In search of monumental fame, a small group of would-be ghosthunters investigate a notoriously haunted location, only to unleash a terrifying darkness. To make matters worse, not everyone in the group is who they appear to be, and they just might require the assistance of a world-renowned medium if they wish to make it out alive.
Mixed with strong characterizations, a wealth of humor, and off-the-wall action, DARKNESS HUNTING, a horror-comedy set in the present day, is ultimately a story of betrayal and sacrifice that locks you in tight and may never let you go.

The story is brought to life with an unforgettable cast of characters including Derek Jenkins, the protagonist, who apparently has a lot to prove. As lead investigator of his motley ghosthunting crew, he hopes to turn his dream of ghosthunting into a popular television show and reap the rewards. However, things don't always turn out like we planned.
Jennifer Howard is Derek's tough but supportive girlfriend who finally draws the line when forced to partake in the paranormal investigation of a notoriously haunted and terrifying location.
Boyd Alred, on the other hand, is all in. He's Derek's right-hand man and paranormal equipment specialist. Of course, he's also loyal to a fault.
Sarah Somberburg is a free-spirit with a sense of adventure, but after her first encounter with the paranormal, she quickly changes her tune.
Cameraman, Eli Smith, is many things, including being Derek's punching bag. But you can only push a man so far before he starts to push back.
Veronica Villalobos is a world-renowned medium and purveyor of Tarot tradition, who just might be the one to save the day - if she wants to.
Tarot card reading assistant and mystic, Asmerelda Kisenger knows the darkness well and she will do anything to please her mentor - the great and wonderful, Veronica Villalobos.
And, of course, there is a witch.
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